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Manage directory settings

29 April 2022 Directory
Viewed 27 times

You can add settings for front office and back office based on the needs of your association:

In the front office

  • Members included in the directory (status and exclusion of deaths)
  • Display of search criteria and filters
  • Messages to be displayed
  • The display format of the directory on the home page
  • Management and display of results 

In the back office

  • Manage search parameters and display of results
  • Manage settings when adding members
  • Settings for corrections (automatic corrections, duplicate detection, etc.) 

The operation is essentially the same depending on the which settings are selected. Let's take for example the display of the directory on the home page. 

There are various actions available to you:

Click on the radio buttons to select your choice

Push the button to activate a setting

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