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Manage export lists and queries

28 April 2022 Directory
Viewed 100 times

List management

To manage your lists, go to Directory > Export > List management.

On this tab you can choose a list and perform different actions:

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Modification of the lists

In the tab "Editing lists" you can add members, merge, or remove members from existing lists to create new ones.

Importing lists

In the Import lists tab, you can import a list from a .csv file.

Managing dynamic queries

Unlike fixed lists, dynamic queries are lists that are created at the time they are generated. The data that make up the query are therefore updated in real time.

In Directory > Export > Multicriteria export,  then in the "Lists / Dynamic queries" section, you have the can load a previously saved query.

Click on this icon to load the query after selecting it from the drop-down menu

This will appear above the drop-down menu when loaded.

The criteria for the query are shown at the bottom of the page.

Click on this icon to delete a request

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