Emails sent
28 May 2019
Viewed 65 times
To see sent emails, go to Mail > Personalized mail > Sent mails. On this page you have access to the list of sent emails. You can sort the results by period sent and by keywords.

You have several options. Click on :
- the title of the email to see a preview,
- the number of people to see the details of the email sent,
- the opening rate figure to see the daily tracking of email openings,
- the click-through rate figure to see the click-through distribution map, hovering over the links will display the specific data
- specific data about the clicks on links are displayed,
- the bounce rate figure to display the list of returned mail,
- the sending errors figure to display the list of erroneous mails,
You can also click on the different icons:

to see the statistics on the distribution of domains,

to recreate the email using different criteria,

to remove the email from the list.
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