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Create an Alumni News / Notice Board item

21 April 2022 Notebook
Viewed 27 times

To create a news item, go to your administration area and then to Publication > Journal

General information

Define the type of notice  you wish to create. 



Then indicate :

  • the date of the event
  • the title of the announcement
  • the content of the message

Add an image that will appear at the top of your news item.

(For more information on image management, see our Media section)

Our tool lets you to crop the image to the correct size so that it displays correctly on your site. Hover over the handles of the frame to crop your image if necessary and then click on "Use this selection". If your image is already the correct size and you want to import it entirely, click on "Use the whole image".

Enter the member's email address.

You can choose to send the information to subscribers (those who have ticked on their personal form "I would like to receive by e-mail the mobilities posted on the site").

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