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Corrections to email address inconsistencies

28 April 2022 Directory
Viewed 54 times

To manage mail inconsistencies, go to Directory > Corrections > Mail.

Erroneous emails

This menu allows you to correct emails that have been identified as incorrect, either because they have the wrong syntax or because they have the wrong domain. It also lets you identify emails that have been returned in error, either because the destination box is full or because the address is invalid.

The system is programmed to scan the database every night. If you make a correction, it will not appear until the next day.

The Netanswer software detects email addresses that appear to have errors by scanning the database even before the addresses are used.

The error may be due to incorrect syntax (forbidden characters, forgotten @ etc.) or an inaccurate or non-existent domain name.

Click on this icon to open the member's file and correct the address by clicking on it or add the correct address in the appropriate field and validate by clicking on the "Modify" button at the end of the list.

Sorting by fields

You can also change the domains associated with the email address.

Click on this icon to validate the new domain identifier in the corresponding field.

All affected member records will be modified.

You can also search the list of existing domains. By clicking on the arrow next to the domain name you can access the list of members using that domain. You can also see the proportion of members using each domain and the association's opening rate for each domain used.


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