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SMS campaign

04 April 2022 Modules
Viewed 39 times

Do you want to encourange members to download your school's app?


Launch an SMS campaign! For an affordable and digressive price based on the number of messages sent, you can send SMS messages containing a link inviting members to download your app directly from their relevent stores (e.g., Apple, Google, etc.

The benefits

1 You can view the opening rate.  You can open a dedicated SMS inbox to consulted several times a day as opposed to using your email inbox, which is normally consulted only once or twice a day, as well filtering emails considered undesirable or deleted before reading.


2 Easy and quick to set up. an SMS is no more than 200 characters long and containing only one or two sentences, which increases the marketing impact and memorability of the message.


3 Affordable. From 0.095 € (taxes exluded) per SMS. The price is degressive based on the quantity of texts The routings are manageable from the administration of the site.

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