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Corrections of company discrepanceis (optional)

29 April 2022 Directory
Viewed 58 times

To create, edit or manage discrepancies in company information, go to Directory > Corrections > Companies.


On this first tab you can create a company or a group of companies.

To be validated

This second tab displays the companies created by your members which are awaiting validation.

You can then search for similar companies, validate the company, or delete the company.


This third tab displays the companies created by your members and awaiting validation.

This is a new Text block. Change the text.

This is a new Text block. Change the text.

This is a new Text block. Change the text.

This is a new Text block. Change the text.


On the Duplicates tab, you can click on the "Process" button to automatically process duplicate companies with the same information. If the duplicates do not have the same contact details they will not be processed. You can then export the duplicates in Excel format in order to process the duplicates manually.


On the Export tab, you can download your entire company database in Excel format.

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