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01 April 2022 Modules
Viewed 86 times

Create surveys from the simplest to the most complex with our professional tool.


Choose any type of question (open, closed, numerical, checkbox grid...) for your surveys and satisfaction questionnaires. Follow-up in one click, export your responses, and track their progress in real time.

Some features:

  • Create surveys for external people and sharing on social networks.
  • Add filters according to the member's profile and skip questions according to the respondent's answers.

  • Create headings to compartmentalise the questions.

  • Display surveys on the member's private space.

  • Send intelligent mailings to those who have not yet started to answer and those who have not completed the survey.

  • Analysis of results, viewing and export of statistics

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1 Comment

Lorène SOUQUET Sup de Vente Alumni
1 year ago
Bonjour, est-il possible de créer des questions à choix multiple ? Pouvons-nous exporter l'analyse des résultats en ayant les infos du répondant ?

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